The main causes of an increased average time for the systematic distribution of blood and blood components, which is the moment that begins when the order is elevated to the blood and blood component that reaches the clinical unit, were analyzed. It was noted that teaching materials and brochures on the need for blood donation, training and education of clinical staff, including the duty nurse in charge, senior nurses and doctors in clinical departments, were distributed. In addition, the technical staff of the blood storage unit were trained to act immediately when they received the application form for the request for blood and blood components. They have also been trained to maintain quality at every stage, from the blood supply from the mother`s blood bank to the distribution of blood, and to monitor and comply with the standards set out in pharmaceutical and cosmetic regulations. All of this helped shorten the processing time in 2012. The patient or companion also completed a survey (feedback) form [Appendix 2] at the end of the blood transfusion to determine satisfaction with the blood transfusion process and was sent to the blood storage unit. An organization planning NABH accreditation can obtain a copy of the NABH accreditation standards and perform a self-assessment of the state of compliance with the standards to ensure that the standards are implemented and integrated into the operation of the hospital. Note: For more details, please read the various documents, including the „General Information Brochure“ available on our website. Organizations can obtain the NABH Accreditation Application Form from the NABH Secretariat or download it from the website. The application form must be accompanied by the required application fee. Hospitals must also submit a signed document „General Conditions for Maintaining NABH Accreditation“. The same can be downloaded from the website. For more information, see Accreditation documents.
NABH can be contacted by phone, post, e-mail or any other means of communication. Enquiries can be addressed to the Deputy Director of NABH at info([at]) or by post/fax to the following address: NABH provides information on documents and procedures. NABH also organizes awareness-raising programs in general, as well as at the request of individual organizations. It also leads the applicant organization to different requirements at different stages of accreditation. Hussain (2014) conducted a clinical audit to report transfusion reactions as a quality indicator and reported that non-hemolytic febrile transfusion reactions were the most common. [14] In 2011, one case of transfusion reaction was reported, which was a non-hemolytic transfusion reaction due to incompatibility. In 2012, transfusion reactions were reduced by certain preventive measures: spelling mistakes were avoided, leading to all kinds of incongruences, and correct identification of patients was carried out, followed by stricter examination of the marking of blood samples for blood type and cross-matching. Correct identification of the recipient and blood bag was performed at the time of initiation of transfusion and careful and accurate observation of the patient during transfusion followed. Unnecessary blood transfusions were avoided. Ness et al.
(1990) conducted a study on the differentiation of delayed and delayed hemolytic serologic transfusion reactions: incidence, long-term serological outcomes, and clinical significance. He stressed that transfusion complication could only be adequately treated through an active prospective surveillance programme. Elements of bedside monitoring and blood bank checks should be included. Monitoring transfusion complications is important to improve patient care and define research priorities. Therefore, hemovigilance requires an integrated approach that involves clinical staff, blood bank and external examinations. [13] The Global Consultation on Haemovigilance recommended that mechanisms for reporting adverse transfusion events (reactions and incidents) covering the form of transfusion adverse reaction and the form of incident reporting be developed. A protocol for further investigation of transfusion reactions should be established. Clear reporting roles and responsibilities should be established. Regular follow-up and examinations of side effects and incidents should be carried out by the Hospital Transfusion Committee (HTC).
[3] Some previous studies have explained the benefits of monitoring basic indicators in transfusion medicine. Mwangi (2009) advocated that haemovigilance data have given transfusion services a clear understanding of the transfusion-related issues that need to be addressed to improve transfusion safety. [7] Dhingra (2004) conducted a study on the challenges of global blood safety and presented the World Health Organization`s (WHO) Integrated Blood Safety Strategy. This provided invaluable information on the current state of the global blood supply, identified problems and prioritized needs, and was helpful in tracking progress and trends. [8] Ayob (2010) also concluded that the haemovigilance program required the use of expertise and resources to address already obvious and obvious deficiencies. The data collected must be accurate and used to formulate guidelines, standards and guidelines, as well as to influence appropriate interventions. [9] Similarly, Arewa (2009) also explained that a hemovigilance system, when integrated into the blood transfusion service, would promote effective monitoring of blood transfusion and reduce the waste of blood or rare blood products. [10] Jain and Kaur (2012) have demonstrated that a well-functioning haemovigilance system can be used as a quality indicator to monitor the safety of blood transfusions and can also contribute significantly to evidence-based transfusion medicine. [11] Public recognition of the achievement of accreditation standards by a health organisation, demonstrated by an independent external peer review of that body`s level of performance against the standards. Information was collected in a structured manner and then reported on transfusion-related adverse events.
The causes were analysed and specific corrective and preventive measures were taken. Based on the documented information, a regular meeting was held to review the core indicators with the participation of relevant officials, where the indicators were discussed in detail with the root cause analysis. .